Owner status : company
Prefix : SASU
Name of the company : Zodiac Milpro International
Adress : 11 rue de Reuilly – 75012 Paris
Phone Number : 01 82 73 02 70
Capital of : 2 500 000 euros
SIREN : 53431701100029
R.C.S. : 534 317 011 RCS Paris
Intracommunity VAT : FR 495 343 170 11
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Direction of publication: M. Marc LAVORATA
Webdesign, intégration and development made by La dictature du beau
Address: 9 quai de l’Artois 94170 Le Perreux sur Marne
Website :
Email Address :
Company : NBS System
Address : 8, rue Bernard Buffet – 75017 Paris
Phone Number : +33 158 566 080
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They are kept for 13 months and are intended for Zodiac Milpro International’s marketing and sales department based in France.
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